Saturday, March 29, 2008

Minimizing CD/DVD Writing Failures

Today I wasted two of my blank DVD-Rs trying to write files. I never had this problem before. What I noticed is while writing the files, my antivirus icon on the system tray started getting animated. I guess the culprit here was the antivirus software. I decided to turn it off before attempting to do disc writing again. Taadaa! All is good.

If you occasionally experience failures in your disc writing activities, there are probably some background processes interfering with the disc writing process. One of them could be your antivirus software. Almost all antivirus applications have background processes that check files being accessed for viruses. Every time your disc burning software tries to read data from the files to be written, your antivirus software interrupts the process which might result in a ruined disc and a frustrated user – you.

To lessen the chance of having ruined discs, turn off antivirus software and other processes that could interrupt disc writing such as screensavers. Don't forget to turn on your antivirus again after disc writing.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

1st! 2008! yay! :))

I have been meaning to update this blog for the longest time, but you know the deal and how things get pushed aside. My life in the real world has gotten complicated in ways I didn’t expect. At any rate, I just finished the current web application I’m working on (I hope the payment arrives soon). So, I decided to post a little, just to say hi, and keep the lifeblood of this blog flowing. :-)
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